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City of Minneapolis, we are asking you to allow us to operate our offset smokers until the end of the food truck season and amend these rules.
We believe we add value to the city. Without our offset smokers, we will effectively be shut down and will no longer be able to service the community of Minneapolis.
How can I help?
- Sign the petition
- Contact our local officials and ask for change
You can press the button below to send a pre-drafted email to the people who can save us.
Local Officials - Contact Information
Mayor Frey
What's going on here?
On October 1st, the city of Minneapolis has ordered us to stop operating our offset smokers.
In Minneapolis, food trucks cannot operate or have anything confided outside of the food truck. This means, we are not allowed to have condiments, garbage cans, signage, seating, and in our case smokers outside of our food trucks.
Why is this happening?
- The existing city ordinance is effectively SHUTTING US DOWN
- Animales has been operating with an offset smoker since being established in 2018
- This issue has never been raised in the past as we have passed every health inspection in plain sight including this years
- Not being able to use our offset smokers means lower volume, lower capacity, and lower quality of our food
- Other nearby cities do not have these restrictions and are willing to amend their rules for us
- Other food trucks in Minneapolis have not received this harsh treatment
This is a TRUE CRIME to the Minneapolis food community and the hard working small businesses who put every on the line to provide for their communities and families. Let us smoke.
The Problem
MCO 188.485. - Mobile food vehicle vendors.f(11)
No mobile food vehicle shall use external signage, bollards, seating, or any other equipment not contained within the vehicle.
Essentially, all food truck in Minneapolis are not permitted to operate outside of their food trucks. No napkins, no tables, no condiments, and no smokers. This is an unfair and harsh punishment to suddenly require us to stop operating our offset smokers after we have passed every inspection and have already been licensed by the city of Minneapolis. We are asking the city of Minneapolis to allow us to operate until the end of the food truck season and we would like to work with you on an amendment to MCO 188.485
MN Food Code 4626.0506A
Provide or replace food service equipment with equipment that is certified or classified for sanitation by an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited certification program.
The city of Minneapolis request that we receive NSF certification but there are essentially no traditional large-scale smokers that provide the certification on the market.